tl;dr version. We have published an azure stencil on cacoo. Start using it here:
We often make cloud architecture diagrams and here at Minjar, Cacoo is the tool we all love. Its easy to use, there are a couple of AWS stencils already available. Once we started doing architecture diagrams for Micorosft Azure, we started looking for stencils. We found a few icon sets on ever resourceful Keith Mayer’s blog but they were for Microsoft Visio, of which I am not a great fan. It turns out already has Azure stencils and we gave it a shot. But working with is not as fun as working with Cacoo. So I decided to go ahead and create a stencil for Azure using the icons I found via Kieth’s blog. It took about 2 hours to import those images one by one, resize them etc, but it was worth it. I have published the stencil on Cacoo store and you can start using from here for free.
Here is one of the architecture diagrams I built using that stencil:

have fun!
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